St. Mary's Preparatory School is renowned for its picturesque setting and academic excellence. The school provides education for boys and girls aged approximately 3 to 13 years old, covering nursery through to the end of preparatory school.
As an independent preparatory school, St. Mary's focuses on delivering a broad and balanced curriculum designed to nurture the individual talents and interests of each student. The school aims to create a supportive and stimulating environment where children can develop academically, socially, and personally.
Academically, St. Mary's Preparatory School follows the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, offering a comprehensive range of subjects including English, mathematics, sciences, humanities, languages, arts, and physical education. The school also provides opportunities for extracurricular activities, enrichment programs, and outdoor education experiences to enhance students' learning and personal development.
The campus of St. Mary's Preparatory School is set within Abbey Park, offering a tranquil and inspiring environment for learning and exploration. The school's facilities include modern classrooms, science laboratories, art studios, music rooms, a sports hall, playing fields, and outdoor recreational areas.
St. Mary's Preparatory School is recognized for its academic standards, supportive community, and commitment to providing a well-rounded education, making it a respected institution in Melrose and the wider Scottish Borders area.
Head's name: Mr William Harvey (Head Master)
Day fees per term: £2,185 to £5,980
Scholarships & bursaries: Available
Day/boarding type: Day and Weekly/Flexible Boarding
Gender profile: Coeducational